Outplacement Programs from an Established Outplacement Firm
We are an established nationwide outplacement firm that specializes in providing affordable individual outplacement services featuring one-on-one time with a Career Coach – at a price below many group seminar outplacement programs.
Unlike others who have recently added outplacement as a new service or are a brand new outplacement company, we are focused strictly on outplacement, and having been in business for over 20 years.
Whether you are downsizing 1 or 100’s of employees, we can provide your organization with the means to offer them effective, affordable outplacement services.
Request our brochure detailing outplacement program options and cost information:

Outplacement Program Options to Meet Your Needs
Our Career Transition Services Philosophy
At Quest, our career transition services philosophy is based on the belief that we can best serve a displaced employee by truly understanding their unique situation. To accomplish this, we provide each displaced employee with the personalized one-on-one attention and support they need. With each of our outplacement programs, a displaced employee receives one-on-one time with a Career Transition Consultant.
Rather than providing group seminars where the displaced employee is expected to learn how to create their own job search tools, we take the pressure off the displaced employee by taking responsibility for creating the job search tools they need to conduct an effective job search.
Outplacement Needs Have Changed
Structure Your Separation Agreements to Meet these Needs
Today’s displaced professional is likely to have a home computer with Internet access. They no longer need an outplacement firm to provide them with office space and access to office equipment.
Rather than providing office space and equipment, we focus on providing your downsized employee with what they really need – personalized one-on-one time with a career coach, a minimum of 3 months of support, an effective resume written by a professional resume writer, LinkedIn Profile support, a cover letter to highlight their strengths, resume posting to the top online job sites, an online career assessment tool to provide career direction, a personalized salary report to aid them in salary negotiations, and access to a 24/7 online career portal.
Our Approach to Outplacement
Providing Personalized Outplacement Programs
We recognize that someone who has been downsized isn’t in the best frame of mind to attend group seminars to learn new skills like resume writing and Internet job search techniques.
We take the pressure off the displaced employee by taking responsibility for creating the job search tools they need.
We use our knowledge of Internet job search techniques to ensure the displaced employee’s materials are formatted properly for the Internet and accessible to employers searching for candidates online.
Displaced workers benefit greatly from ongoing outplacement support. We provide ongoing one-on-one consultations with a Career Transition Consultant to help your impacted employees with any aspect of their job search. We utilize e-mail and telephone consultations to allow us to effectively work with displaced workers located throughout the country.
Affordable One-On-One Outplacement Support - Nationwide
A major factor to consider when evaluating outplacement firms is how much the provider’s outplacement services cost. We work with downsized employees via telephone consultant and e-mail, which reduces our overhead costs and our outplacement fees. We are able to provide outplacement services featuring one-on-one time with a Career Transition Consultant at a price below many group seminar outplacement programs using this approach. Communicating with job seekers one-on-one via telephone consultations and e-mail also allows us to work with displaced employees located throughout the country.
Who We Work With
We work with all types of downsized employees, including executive-level employees, Directors of Operations, Sales Managers, Sales Representatives, Marketing Directors, Marketing Managers, Plant Managers, Project Managers, IT Directors, Software Engineers, Network Administrators, Consultants, Construction Project Managers, Auditors, Accounting Specialists, production personnel and administrative support staff.
Request Our Outplacement Program Brochure
If you would like a copy of our brochure detailing our corporate-sponsored outplacement services, send an email to support@questoutplacement.com.
Examples of How We Help Job Seekers
Here are some examples of the tools we’ve developed to help job seekers with their career transitions:
Getting a Job Interview by Understanding How Resumes are Screened