Quest Outplacement Blog
What should be included in a letter of recommendation
Here’s everything you need to know about what should be included in a letter of recommendation that you use in your job search.
Who you should ask to be a reference or provide a letter of recommendation
There are many people you can ask to be a reference for you or to provide you with a letter of recommendation. Here are some ideas.
See an example of an interview thank you letter
Here’s an example of an effective interview thank you letter.
What you should include in your interview thank you letter
Here’s everything you need to know about what you should include in your interview thank you letter during your job search.
What is a behavior-based interview?
Here is everything you need to know about behavior-based interviews that you may encounter during your job search.
Questions you should expect during an interview
Here is a list of likely questions you should be prepared to respond to during a job interview.
How to determine your desired salary to prepare for the HR phone screen interview
Here’s everything you need to know about how to determine your desired salary to prepare for the HR phone screen interview.
Tracking Your Job Search Progress
Here’s what job search information you should track and why along with a free tool we developed for tracking your job search progress.
Forward your resume and cover letter to executive recruiters
Here’s what you should do after you have developed a list of recruiters and created your recruiter cover letter.
See an example of a cover letter to an executive recruiter or headhunter
Here’s an example of an effective cover letter to an executive recruiter or headhunter.
What you should include in your cover letter to executive recruiters
Here’s everything you need to know about creating a cover letter to send to executive recruiters during your job search.